


Nursing is an art and science that needs a lot of practice. Labs are the areas where the students actually perform all nursing procedures prior to the exposure to the clinical field which enables them to be proficient in assessing and caring for patients. They are also provided with skill necessary to counsel and educate patients and families about the disease process and its treatment and prevention with the help of educational material. The labs are facilitated with a large collection of nursing models, manikins, instruments, comfort devices for full practical simulation of patient it provides hands on learning experiences specific to course objectives as directed by nursing curriculum. Labs are equipped with all necessities required to perform all basic and advanced nursing care procedures.


Our Other Lab


• Fundamental of nursing lab in AINS is the practical area of the students where they perform all nursing procedures, prior to the exposer to the clinical field. All clinical procedures from bed making & first aid techniques to life saving procedures like CPR, ACLS, BLS & defibrillator are demonstrated and practiced by nursing students under supervision of Doctors, Nursing Professor, Nursing Lectures and Clinical Demonstrator. That make the students task easier, while they face real situation in clinical area. The lab is equipped with all kind of hospital equipments / instruments and advanced clinical procedures Mankins for human simulation use by faculty to teach students. All Mankins are lad on the bed with appropriate pedicel equipment attached to them.


Anju Institute of Nursing Science as one of the best anatomy & physiology lab in region, equipped with various anatomical models, charts, electric devices. Lab exercise are designed to require students to first apply information they learned. Students are taught about basic structure human body organs and their functions.


The CHN lab in Anju Institute of Nursing Science is equipped with updated articles & equipments used by students to practice bag technique required for family health care. It focus on role & responsibilities nurse in community area. Primary health care, community service management, health visit survey, health problems analysis, health education visit to different health agencies are also a teaching part of it. In this lab students practiced about bag technique, while they provide door to door service in rural & urban community. Students learn here about school health education, occupational & health education and methods of keeping save and hazards free community, organizing health camps, exhibitions and projects.


Nutrition lab is spreader in well-spaced area in our Anju Institute of Nursing Science campus, well ventilated, where students practice a variety of food preparation that is beneficial for health & special diet, therapeutic diet and normal diet in various diseases. Nutrition lab is aimed at developing a better understanding in between diet and physiology of human body.


•We can't image todays world without computer. It embedded in nursing field also completely. Anju Institute of Nursing Science has full furnished computer lab. Here students learn MS Power Point Presentation, MS Word, Excel, Access etc. They also have privilege to learn how to make admission of patient & how to record daily notes, investigation, treatment and method of billing all equipments articles instruments and needed stuff, medications same time while caring the patient.


• In Anju Institute of Nursing Science audio visual aid room is available for students to create their own audio visual aids, equipped with LCD projector, slide projector, film projector, OHP overhead projector these are avail to view any kind of presentation.


Anju Institute of Nursing Science provides excellent laboratory facilities learning maternal and child health nursing science equipped with latest articles and equipments the lab contains various obstetrical charts, models, picture to practice to conduct of labor it also has all advanced Mankins to learn procedure for normal and abnormal delivery. It also comprises baby mannequins to practice nursing procedure, growth chart immunization schedule and play material for different age group

Get In Touch

Nursing is associated with pretty much every field of medical care, and nursing experts essentially affect it. They are a significant connection during the time spent interfacing patients to specialists.

Near Bardih Village, Islampur, Nalanda (Bihar) 801303



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