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Best Nursing College in Bihar

College of Nursing, Anju Institute of Nursing Science, Nalanda stands apart amongst all the Nursing colleges in Bihar because of its unique topography, connectivity, and persistent leadership in Nursing training and health care for the common man over the past one decade. College of Nursing Anju Institute of Nursing Science, Nalanda is a premier and pioneer Nursing institution of 12 years of existence. This oldest Nursing institution run by the Government of Bihar providing undergraduate Nursing training having health care facilities ranging from specialties to super-specialties along with tertiary care to patients will provide enhanced standards of Nursing education and health care.

The mission of the Anju Institute of Nursing Science is to provide knowledge and skills to the students regarding community service & social life for the constitution of peaceful society and continuous development of an individual as a good citizen with trained nurse, for capable of functioning effectively in the hospital as well as community. Recent emphasis of nursing on promotion of health, prevention of illness, restoration of health as well as advances in caring for the illness, have opened various new areas of employment and have created added responsibilities for practicing nurses.
Histroical Background

Who We Are?

College Of Nursing Anju Institute of Nursing Science, Nalanda is a very popular college in the state of Bihar. College Of Nursing Anju Institute of Nursing Science, Nalanda was established in 2012. It is one of the leading colleges in Nursing Sciences. It is located in Islampur, Nalanda Bihar. College Of Nursing Anju Institute of Nursing Science, Nalanda is a Semi Govt. institution. Implementing ANM course Since 2012 recognised by Health Department Govt. of Bihar, B.N.R.C Patna, INC New Delhi affiliated to B.U.H.S Patna. The Nursing College is situated in Islampur on the campus of Anju Institute of Nursing Science. The campus is the largest of any Nursing college in Nalanda. It is spread out over 5 Acer in the Islampur area of Nalanda Bihar. The campus is notable for its greenery and open spaces in an otherwise congested part of the town. In addition to the main campus situated at Islampur Nalanda, it also has a gymkhana at the top level of building


We Believe:
The faculty, College of Nursing believe that nursing is a professional discipline based on the holistic concept of health care, directed towards rendering quality care to the clients with commitment & compassion.
We believe health as a dynamic state of being on a continuum from optimal wellness to illness and a state of health exists when a person functions as an integrated whole, living and interacting with environments in a productive manner.
We believe the profession of nursing makes an essential contribution to society and education for professional Nursing is best conducted in an institution of higher learning.
We believe Nursing Education takes place through a planned teaching learning process and this education prepares the student for professional practice and leadership roles within an ever-changing health care industry.
We believe Nursing Education at the master’s level is specifically concerned with preparing Nurses with advanced practice skills to provide expert nursing care to society & contribute to nursing science as mentors.
We believe that professional nurses contribute to the nursing research, work toward continued improvement & growth of nursing.

Get In Touch

Nursing is associated with pretty much every field of medical care, and nursing experts essentially affect it. They are a significant connection during the time spent interfacing patients to specialists.

Near Bardih Village, Islampur, Nalanda (Bihar) 801303



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